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Our expertise

Notre expertise


  • Strategic support for management 

  • Business transformation and support for leaders

  • Review and improvement of procease

  • M& and pintegration islanding (PMI)

  • Production of studies (sector studies, comparisons with peers) at European and international level

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  • Support for innovation initiatives and mis setting up an innovation laboratory 

  • Animation of creative workshops on a "Design Thinking" approach

  • Facilitation of collaborative workshops to support management teams

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  • Training of sales forces to improve their commercial efficiency for BtB and BtC

  • Development of business skills

  • Organization and management of sales teams

  • Support for the implementation of a commercial strategy 

  • OVALY is QUALIOPI certified


For a French Private Bank
of a mutual group

Robo Advisor for discretionary management

  • Implementation of a Robo Advisor for retail customers across all of the Group's retail agencies

  • Integration of a Management Under Mandate module and modeling of risk profiles

For a large group
French banking

Group Compliance – Financial Crime Oversight

  • Global mapping of compliance risk with a Financial Crime focus on an international scope

  • Identification of local specificities for Embargo, KYC and AML 

For the Investment Bank
of a mutual group

Implementation of the Innovation Hub

  • Definition & implementation of the value offer

  • Identification of use cases, organization of the open innovation process

  • Development of experiments and use cases

For the French subsidiary
of a global player in real estate

Support for the purchase of a French actor

  • M&A support for the closing of the operation

  • Management of the integration of the target on the perimeters: HR, IT, Legal, Marketing, Business Organization, Communication and Finance

  • Research and implementation of synergies (cost reduction plan)

For a reference actor
French Insurance

Development of new offers for funds and the financial sector

  • Analysis of demand in the climate risk sector - strategic review

  • Structuring of the offer

  • Business Development

For the Investment Bank of a mutualist group

augmented banking

  • Analysis of commercial activity & supporting tools

  • Development of innovative services for sales – next best actions

  • Change management to promote adoption and maximize the impact of innovative solutions

For a French actor 
reference in Retail

Retail Tour

  • Organization of a day of guided tours of the most innovative points of sale in terms of omnichannel, digital, customer experience, services, purchase path, etc.

  • Deciphering the trends observed and leading a design thinking workshop in order to imagine and implement solutions adapted to the client's needs​

For a leading French banking group in the Market Activities division

Mission Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB)

  • Framework, regulatory impact study (production and certification of ratios) for the FRTB: Internal model, Standard model, Expected Shortfall, VaR, PnL Risk, Income Attribution...

  • Review and documentation of existing risk indicator processes and functional optimization recommendations

  • Proposal of new target processes for FRTB risk metrics


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